New Emergency Hours

Due to staff shortages, the Library will close at 5:00pm on Tuesdays and Wednesdays for the month of July. We are open until 8:00pm on Mondays and Thursdays.

Library Charges

Policy Audience

Overdue Fees (Four County materials) – The Broome County Public Library recognizes that overdue fines present an unnecessary barrier to accessing our collections and services and are not based on recovering any cost to the Library. Therefore, we are eliminating all overdue fees on materials owned by any library in the Four County Library System that are checked out at BCPL.  

Overdue Fees (Interlibrary Loans) – Overdue fees will still be charged on items borrowed from outside of the Four County Library System through interlibrary loans (ILL). This is necessary in order to recover fees that are charged to BCPL by the lending institution. The fee for these materials is $0.50 cents per day and there is no maximum fee.

Lost Materials – BCPL will continue to charge replacement fees for lost materials in order to recover the actual cost to the Library. Replacement fees will not exceed the list price of the lost item plus a $10 referral fee if the bill goes to collection. Lost items can be returned in lieu of paying for replacement, but referral fees will remain in order to recover fees that are charged to BCPL by the collection agency.

Damaged materials – The fee for returning damaged materials varies based on the extent of repairs needed for recirculation but won't exceed the fee for lost materials. 

ILL fee – $ 5.00

Collection Fees  $ 10.00

Returned Check Fee – $ 20.00


Library card – Free

Lost card – $1.50

Photocopies – $0.25/copy

Microfilm Prints – $0.25/copy

Computer Prints                                             

Black & white – $0.15/page

Color – $0.50/page




Internet fax  – Free 

Traditional fax – $2.00/1st page and $1.00/each additional page


Circulation privileges and internet access will be denied to patrons whose outstanding fines and fees exceed $ 5.00.