Welcome to the Broome County Public Library! We're happy that you're here. The following rules have been adopted by our Board of Trustees to maintain a safe and secure space for you to enjoy our facilities, programs, and collections. If you need any help, we're here to answer questions and offer guidance. You don’t need a library card to use our building or some of our services, but cards are free and allow you to check out Library materials.
- It’s important to respect the rights of other patrons and Library staff at all times. Our staff are here to help you, but they need to be able to perform their duties without harassment.
- In order to maintain a safe and welcoming space for all of our patrons and staff, disruptive and/or abusive behavior is prohibited. This includes:
- Harassment (i.e. committing actions with the intent to harass, threaten, seriously annoy or alarm another person)
- Sexual harassment (i.e. unwelcome verbal or physical behavior based on a person's gender)
- The use of abusive, obscene, discriminatory, hateful, or threatening language that targets a specific individual or that interferes with other patrons’ right to access the Library
- Any action that our staff determines to be excessively disruptive or a threat to Library patrons, staff, or property
- Illegal activities or the possession of weapons of any kind are prohibited on Library property.
- Smoking, vaping, the use of smokeless tobacco, and the use of cannabis, alcohol or other recreational drugs are prohibited in the Library, the parking lot, the reading garden, within 20 feet of the Library doors, and any place on the Library property that blocks or negatively impacts other patrons.
- We strive to maintain the Library as a space free of commercial, political, or religious pressure. For this reason, solicitation of any kind is prohibited on Library property. This includes activities such as panhandling, proselytizing, and petitioning.
- In order for us all to enjoy and use this space, we ask you to keep conversations, phone calls, videos, and music to a low volume. Earphones and headphones are available if you need them. Please don’t make phone calls on speaker, and please do be conscious of how your noise level impacts other patrons. If your noise level is disruptive, we will approach you about lowering your volume or using headphones. Failure to do so will be treated as a Code of Conduct violation.
- Our Custodians work hard to clean and maintain our facilities for the benefit of all patrons and staff.
- Eating is allowed in the following designated areas, as long as you clean up after yourself:
- The Peer Support Room/Public Lounge
- The Children’s Room (snacks only)
- The designated Eating Area by the windows along Court Street
The Decker Room as part of a Library program or approved meeting
If you disregard this or repeatedly leave a mess, we will approach you about changing your behaviors. Failure to do so will be treated as a Code of Conduct violation.
- Eating is allowed in the following designated areas, as long as you clean up after yourself:
- Bicycles, scooters, and other wheeled devices need to be left outside the building and may not block doorways or walkways. Smaller devices like skateboards and roller skates can be put away in your bag. Wheelchairs and other mobility aids are allowed, as are strollers and small shopping carts that aren’t disruptive to other patrons. Large shopping carts need to be left outside.
- Patrons sleeping in the Library may be awakened by Library staff or Security in order to perform a welfare check. This is not punitive. We care about your wellbeing. If you are resting in a place that is causing a disruption or blocking access for other patrons, you will be asked to move.
- Animals are prohibited in the building unless they are service animals or are part of an approved Library program.
- Parents, guardians, or caregivers are responsible for the safety, behavior and supervision of their children as specified in the Library’s Unattended Children Policy.
- Our children's room is intended primarily as a space for children, teens, and caregivers to feel welcome and safe. Adults are welcome to browse for items but adults who hang out in the space or use the tables without children present will be asked to move to a different part of the Library.
- Our Teen Space is intended primarily as a space for teens to feel welcome and safe. We recognize that patrons of all ages need access to the YA/teen collections, but it’s not a space for adults to hang out and use the furniture.
- It’s important to respect Library property, including Library materials/collections, furnishings, and equipment. If you disregard this, you will be asked to change your behavior. Failure to do so—or the repetition of behaviors that you have already been warned about—will be treated as a Code of Conduct violation.
- Personal photography and/or videography is allowed in the Library but must not infringe on the privacy rights of other patrons (including minors) or interfere with the ability of Library staff to perform their duties. Projects that have the potential to violate these criteria require prior approval by the Library Director.
Minor violations of these rules will result in a reminder or warning that may be issued by Library Staff or Broome County Security.
More serious or repeated violations will result in the patron being required to leave the building for the remainder of the day.
Violations that constitute an immediate or apparent threat to the safety of others, their property, or the property of the Library will result in immediate expulsion from the Library for a period of one month to one year depending on the severity of the offense and whether it is an isolated or recurring event.
The Library Administration is authorized to modify and/or adapt the code to special circumstances.
Appeal Process
Any patron who feels that their privileges have been unjustly denied under this policy is encouraged to appeal the decision to the Broome County Public Library Board of Trustees. Email appeals can be sent to Library.Trustees@broomecountyny.gov. If you don’t have access to a computer, you can call Library Administration (607-778-6407) to be connected to the Board of Trustees.