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Drawing of Martin Luther King Jr., two people shaking hands, a group of fists in front of an American flag, and a flag labeled MLK day.

Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Monday, January 20 is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, commemorating the life and legacy of Civil Rights Movement leader, activist, and minister Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. BCPL will be open that day. Honor his memory by reading one of the many books that discuss his aspirations and accomplishments.
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Text reads Liked the Book?! Try the Graphic Novel!

Read the book?! Try the graphic novel!

Have you read the below books?! How about trying out the graphic novel adaptations?! Or do you need to read one of the below for school? How about pairing it with its graphic novel adaptation?! 

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Donatello Statue in costume

Who is that masked man?

At any given time throughout the year, an imposing statue in the Local History & Genealogy Department can be found dressed as a reindeer, a butterfly, a witch, or even a bride.

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